People are starting to wonder where I am here locally since I have been hidden away in my sewing room appliquing blocks for the Women of Influence quilt that will be the Kansas City Star block of the month next year. Before I opened the shop several years ago, I liked to applique. But, once the store came along, time for relaxing with handwork seemd to slip away.
6 of the blocks in the Women of Influence quilt include applique so I'm back to it in a big way the last couple of months. As I worked, I remembered a couple of my favorite tools and thought I'd share them with you.
I do back baste applique, a technique I learned from Jeana Kimball. If you ever get a chance to take a class from her--do it! She's awesome.

Anyway, to make cutting your curves, points and other shapes effortlessly, I LOVE Dovo Scissors. They're a little more than some of the other brands but you won't be believe how effortlessly they cut. We're thinking about carrying them at the store. If you're interested, post here or drop us an email.
If you're wondering what that other item in the photo is, yes, it's an ordinary toothpick. You know how those little threads love to escape from curves and no matter what you do, the needle just won't push them under? Try a toothpick! It works every time. Just use the toothpick to swoosh the edge of the applique shape under as you would with your needle and those threads will disappear.
Here's a sneak peek at one of the blocks I just finished up:

Read all about the Women of Influence quilt & reserve your spot at:
Talk more soon!